Meet Laura...


As a retired Chartered Accountant (don’t judge) and corporate go-getter, I spent 15 years in the corporate world nurturing skills such as strategic thinking, problem solving and developing teams to perform at their optimum.

I am energetic, curious and I have an overwhelming passion for people, leadership and culture! There was a big piece of the puzzle missing in the corporate world. So many of the cultures I worked within were driven on fear and very masculine dominated energies and I am here to help businesses to operate with more focus on wellbeing, compassion, connection and flow so business and the humans within them can really start to thrive.

In other news…

🧘🏻‍♀️🍷 I love yoga…but I also love wine in equal measure! My favourite drink is a big fat glass of silky Spanish red!

😌 It took me a long time to realise that there is no ‘quick fix’ to happiness! None of us are broken, we are all on a long journey of self discovery and life fulfilment – there will be ups and there will be downs – and as long as you keep showing up, facing into the challenges and wanting to do better, life will be one hell of an epic journey!

☕️ I am a total coffee snob – living in Sydney for 5 years did it to me! I now drive 20 minutes every day to seek out the best flat white!

🤔 One of my strengths is making sense of a situation and getting to the root of what is happening pretty quickly. Lucky for me, this skill can be applied to both business problems and human beings!

🏆 My greatest challenge in life has been (and continues to be) trying to not see myself as the sum of everything I have ‘achieved’. No-one will care about my CV and my trophies when I am sat on my death bed! My big realisation is that people will only remember how I made them feel.

💃🏻 I have some killer dance moves (even if I do say so myself!) and I’m often found dancing on the table tops to 90s RnB!

🌱 My three core values are connecting deeply with people; continuous learning; and being playful. At the end of each day, I reflect and ask myself…”Did I have fun today?”

✈️ I am a keen adventurer, I love exploring new places and my goal for 2021 is to live for at least 3 months of the year in different cultures all over the world.

🌊 My antidote to feeling a bit frazzled is the water – being on it, near it, in it - it instantly lifts my mood.

🙏🏼 It took me a long time to really understand the importance of self care but I am now the self care queen! If I want to show up as my naturally high energy self, I have to have time to recharge my battery – I am not a machine! My fave self care habits are walking the dog (Chutney), yoga and indulging in a candlelit bath with lavender oil (all tech free zones).

⚽️ I love sport and nothing makes me happier than having a ball in my hand! If I wasn’t a coach, I would love to be a sports presenter. 

❤️ My dream Sunday is getting up nice and early and heading off for a hike with a pal (usually Katy) followed by a Sunday roast chased down with a massive glass of red wine in a brilliant English pub with a log fire! Pure bliss!

Laura Bamber