5 ways coaching can change your life
I always used to wonder what coaching was about and how it could be so transformative to a person's life. Then I went on my own 10 year journey and after exploring a mountain of different mindset, wellbeing and self development tools my experience of life changed dramatically for the better! I felt calmer, less stressed, more accepting of who I was and clearer on the type of life I wanted to lead…and heaps more more joyful! Now it's my job to distil my many years of learning into a coaching package that helps people make changes in their lives for the better. Here are 5 of the key ways coaching can make your life better:
1.You get to press ‘pause’:
I hear this so much ‘I just need to get off the life merry go round and press pause’. And it can feel impossible to do amongst your usual relentless hamster wheel of life. How are you supposed to make change, shift habits, gain a deeper understanding of yourself and experience realisations whilst you’re drowning in the ‘doing’? It simply can’t happen. A coaching session creates space for you to connect to all of these things, with a guide and cheerleader. Space just for you, to be heard - heaven.
2. You get accountability:
This is essential. When you’re only answering to yourself, you can let yourself off the hook! In the busy-ness of life we all need a reason to show up, check in and reset, taking away small actions that will impact how you approach your days. A coach will suggest gentle steps and actions to take to nudge you forwards in the right direction, weaving new approaches and habits into your life and checking in on you to see how it’s going. You have someone to give you a high five and to hold your hand when you’re wading through the challenging bits.
3. You rediscover who you actually are and what kind of life you want to be living!
Life sweeps us along, we do our best, we follow a path, we make choices and decisions at times to please others or gain respect, validation or admiration from other people. It’s easy to see whilst we’re busy doing this, fulfilling a vision, expectations, a role - that we can lose sight of who we actually are as an individual, of what intrigues us and turns us on, what lights us up. We keep changing and growing throughout life and it’s essential that we take notice - who are you and what do you actually want NOW? You have one life and it will pass - don’t regret not taking stock and honouring your dreams and needs.
4. You see that you DO have choices - always:
We have all grown up in a society, a culture and with influences that have shaped our beliefs and how we see the world. I meet people all the time who feel that their situation is just ‘how it is’. It can feel impossible to accept that there is ‘another way’ when we only know our way, and we can’t see a way of changing things. You always have choices. It can mean being brave and choosing a different way of life, making different choices and decisions, ones which might surprise those you seek to impress or please, but the life you want to be living is on the other side of those choices.
5. You can make great change, and experience more joy!
Fears melt away when everything starts making sense. When you are clearer on what you actually want, and you can see small and simple steps that can nudge you closer to where you want to be. Big change can be made gently (and fairly easily!) with a coach walking along next to you. A coach helps you to take a big overwhelming mountain of an idea or challenge and break it down into small digestible ‘doable’ steps which you can start chipping away at to make change a reality.
There are many more ways coaching can change your life but I thought these 5 were a good place to start. If you know in your heart that something feels a bit ‘off’, that you crave more ease and joy, more confidence and direction or more excitement and connection, don’t wait another minute to start living the life you wish for.
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Want to find out more about my coaching? Read more here. If you feel called to book a free discovery call, we can chat for 30 mins and I can help solve some of your challenges and we can see if we are a good fit for each other!
I also host transformative Retreat Days including group coaching - read more here.