Do you feel overwhelmed, over busy and over-stretched? Read this!


“Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.” - Tim Ferriss.

Being over-scheduled, over-committed and over-stretched is so often part of our business culture. However, being on this hamster wheel of busy is akin to being sloppy with your time and is ultimately a form of laziness, says Tim Ferriss. And we could not agree more!

We see it so often with our corporate clients...the default into doing more - whatever it happens to be, do more.

If I have a problem, do more.

If I am feeling stressed, do more.

If my business’s performance is struggling, do more.

If I feel unhappy, do more.

Our logical brain is patterned in this way. We are conditioned to believe that MORE = MORE! This belief is fed to us through our education systems, parenting, work places and mainstream media. Everywhere we look we are fed the belief that in order to be successful we must push, hustle, force...and just do more. Not only is it exhausting and completely is unfulfilling and actually unproductive.

Our belief is that being busy is a distraction from actually doing the important work - the self enquiry, the rigorous prioritisation, the big strategic thinking, the coaching of your people, the challenging conversations.

It is time to step off the dance floor and onto the balcony.

To consider the idea that DOING LESS could allow you to RECEIVE AND ACHIEVE MORE. Yum. Even writing this, allows me to take a big exhale. 

THIS 👆🏼is what I believe to be my life’s work. To help people to open their minds and shift their beliefs that there is a different way of operating. Because IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! By doing LESS, I have started to attract MORE - more joy, more love, more connection, more vitality and more abundance. 

Do you want to work on this? Get in touch if you are ready to break out of the old paradigm!

Laura xXx

Laura Bamber