How do I create more headspace every single day?


I recently came back from my trip away with a renewed energy. My work mojo has well and truly been ignited!

I have realised just how important it is to me to experience a sense of freedom - it impacts my work, my relationships, my health and my sense of joy.

FREEDOM is one of my personal core values and when I am living in alignment to this so much magic happens - I am inspired, I am more magnetic, I am super productive and business opportunities appear in abundance!

So this is a journal prompt I am currently riffing on -

‘How can I create more of this holiday space and energy every single day?’

The outdated belief that our success is dependent on the number of hours we work and how harder graft is bullsh*t! We have to really look after ourselves and light ourselves up if we are to perform at the top of our game and smash our career and business goals. We have to create space and stop compromising on this - it must become a fundamental part of our business strategy.  

So, I encourage you to have a play around with the above question - make space to FEEL into the answers. And if you want your teams to thrive too - chat it through with them to make sure they are creating the space for THEIR magic to happen!

Loads of love and refreshed sun kissed vibes to you all!

Laura xXx

Rosie Casson