How setting an intention can change your whole day... in four easy steps


How often do you set intentions?

I was recently coaching a 121 client who was terrified before walking out on stage and speaking in front of over 200 people. I helped her to set the intention of having FUN and enjoying the experience - the result was that she walked out onto the stage feeling excited! She couldn’t believe how differently she felt after setting her intention for how she wanted to feel in that moment. It really can be a game changer!

Follow these four simple steps to set intentions today.

  1. Take 5 mins to sit quietly in peace first thing in the morning. Take a few deep breaths, notice how you’re feeling and ask yourself what you need today to feel your best.

  2. Consider the energy you would like to enter the day with. Perhaps you want to feel patient, grounded, present; or maybe energetic, uplifted and playful. However it is you want to feel, picture feeling this way and notice how this feels in your body, mind and heart.

  3. Picture yourself moving through your day emanating this energy to others. What are you like, how do you behave, how does the energy you are giving out help you to connect with others?

  4. Take time to reflect and notice how setting an intention can impact your energy, your mood, in fact your whole experience of the day. Powerful stuff!

Have you tried any of the steps above? Let us know in the comments!

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Rosie Casson