Katy's Key Areas of Coaching Expertise


I’ve always found it very challenging to explain what coaching with me can do for someone - because it's so broad! I know I can help people with such a vast range of challenges, but that's not particularly helpful when someone is trying to understand if coaching might be for them. It also seems great timing wise to re-introduce my coaching specialisms as Laura and I have been reflecting on our personal evolution and how our teachings and passions have evolved. Plus - as the world slowly unfurls itself, many people are looking toward coaching for support, guidance and inspiration as they head into their new chapter. Here are my key areas of expertise: 

Knowing who you are and what you want from your life.

Most clients when they come to me cannot tell me what lights them up, what they really love to do, what they want to stand for and contribute to. And I totally get it - we follow the path to ‘success’ that society has taught us to, unfortunately this doesn’t encourage us to seek out our true colours. Through simple exercises I help you to remember who you are when you are being utterly yourself; the ‘you-est version of you’ and how to have the confidence and feeling of being ‘comfortable in your own skin’ to be this honest version of you. As a result, life gets more joyful and more fulfilling as you put your time, energy and resources into the stuff that is right for YOU. Decision making also becomes easier as you become clearer on how you want to live your life. Thank fook!

Learning how to hear (and trust) your intuition.

I think this is actually one of the most important things we can ever learn to do. Sometimes it can seem hard to make a decision, to know which path we should follow. This happens when we are not connected to ourselves, or we are choosing to ignore what we hear within. Our intuition, our gut feeling, our ‘inner knowing’ is always accurate. It is our personal compass, and it can tell us everything we need to know. Using this as guidance will be the most powerful way you learn to trust yourself and your decision making as you move through life. It helps you to wake up to it all - to how you really feel, to the thoughts and desires you bury away, to the fears that hold you back, to what you really want. To the realisation that the power to make change is your choice.

When life doesn’t go to plan.

Anyone else or just me?! Thanks to our cultural training, we follow a life path and have an idea in our heads of how our life should pan out. Of course the universe sometimes has other ideas and throws massive curveballs our way, or there might be something that simply feels ‘off’ about the path we are treading. You might have niggles that you are not in the right career or relationship. Listening to yourself, being bolder and going against expectations is no easy feat but it might just be the most important thing you ever do. Learning how to look out for the signposts and embrace the reroutes are incredibly powerful skills to develop. It takes real bravery and courage to buck the status quo and to walk your own path; it's an honour to help people to trust in the unfolding of their path, whilst figuring out which direction is truly right for them.

Navigating relationship complexities 

As we grow and develop, and get to know ourselves better through ‘this work’ or simply as we navigate our way through life, we can realise that the relationship we wanted when we were 25 might not be fulfilling us at 35 or 45. As a person becomes clearer on what they want and how they want to be living life, when this is communicated to the other partner, it can be challenging as it can feel threatening and unnerving to question a dynamic or ask for changes to be made. I help people to find the courage to speak openly and truthfully about what they want, and for a couple to understand how crucial this openness and communication is if we are to keep growing and expanding as individuals, aswell as thriving together as a couple. I support couples to come together through communication and heal, or find the courage to change their situation and story. 

Fertility challenges

I have lived through 6 years of fertility challenges and almost everything that can possibly happen within that. Being a mother was always the clearest dream for me, and the thing that people always told me I would be wonderful at. There’s no denying it has been brutal at times, and the future is still unknown, but what I know to be true for myself is that supporting myself by doing ‘the work’ - truly respecting your wellbeing, tackling self care like a badass, and connecting to self / understanding yourself deeply enough so that all of the other areas of life can be lit up; means that it is possible not just to survive, but to thrive throughout it all too. It is possible to feel a sense of calm, balance, even grace as you navigate these extremely choppy waters. It is also possible to truly believe and embrace that life will be more than OK whatever it holds for you - if I can get there then you absolutely can too. I have a whole toolkit of guidance and suggestions that can help you to feel good in yourself whilst shouldering this most challenging of chapters.

Rosie Casson