4 things you can do to support your business to transition as the world opens up


Supporting your business environment when change comes about.

As the world starts to open back up post-COVID, businesses are facing pretty unprecedented times. What does the business environment look like on the back of this transition? It is all pretty uncertain but one thing I know for sure is that it is imperative that you take your time before hopping back to your pre-COVID dynamics and really focus on how you can best support your colleagues through this transition.

It is important not to assume that everyone is now going to be OK. That everyone who was feeling lonely is now hunky dory. We are all one-of-a-kind humans - we are all still dealing with change on an epic scale and we will all react to this in our very unique ways.

Below, I have outlined some things that I would encourage you, as leaders within your business, to consider that have helped The Vibrancy Hub Team as the world has started to open up.

#1 Celebrate yourselves

We have carved out some time to reflect on the last 12 months as a team. It is mind blowing how different our business looks, the new revenue streams we have created and the new skills we have all learnt. Take your time to celebrate this, celebrate yourselves and celebrate each other.

#2 Appreciate that everyone in the team is unique

We have extroverts (hello me!) who are thriving as the interactions with other people are ramped up and whose energy is reflecting the joy from increased face to face contact. We have introverts who are finding the shift challenging after months of being able to take more control of how they interact with people. Be mindful of this. Give people space as they transition. Check in with your introverts to make sure they are happy with the pace your organisation is moving. Check in with your extroverts to ensure that they are taking it easy and not burning out.

#3 Consider your organisation’s new normal

Who gives a crap how things worked pre covid? This is your chance for a fresh slate. Consider what is right moving forward not just for your organisation but for the different teams within your organisation. Keep your Zoom meetings if they are working better. Bring in face to face meetings when it feels beneficial for the majority to do so. Take your time to reflect on what worked well and what you have really genuinely missed - don’t just fall back into old habits.

#4 Gather data to inform your decisions

It is easy for the leadership team to take the responsibility for all decisions as the business transitions. But your people are your business...so listen to them. Consider asking these questions across different levels of the organisation:

⭐️ What are some of the biggest wins / positives that have happened for the business over the last 12 months? 

⭐️ How have our people coped over the last 12 months - who might need extra support as we transition into the next phase? Specific teams / people?

⭐️ What have we genuinely missed as a result of Covid as a business and why?

⭐️ Which operating procedures / ways of working that we have implemented over the last 12 months do we intend to continue with?

⭐️ Which pre-Covid ways of working do we intend to go back to?

We are here to support your colleagues to feel their best so they can do their very best work. You can work with us through our:

 ⚡️ Wellbeing Workshops - instant energy boosters providing practical tips to support colleagues to better manage their wellbeing and drive performance.

⚡️ Corporate Yoga - regular classes to calm the nervous system and support colleagues to better cope with stress.

⚡️ Meditation Classes - brain training to help colleagues become more present and focused. 

 Find out more visiting our website or emailing laura@thevibrancyhub.com to discuss your wellbeing needs.