Following the niggle... Laura's adventure!
From Monday 23rd May I am entering my next phase of going ‘all in’ to life!
I am following the niggle - the niggle that started as a quiet voice about 2 years ago and has gradually become so loud that it was impossible to ignore.
The voice that has been encouraging me to lean deeper into my free spirit. The voice that communicates my deepest desires to go big. The voice that is crying out for wild adventures and experiences.
On Monday I have a tenant moving into my house. On Tuesday I have a one way flight out of Manchester. Beyond that I have a few loose plans, a bunch of dreams and a MASSIVE desire to reimagine how I get to show up for our beautiful business.
I am more excited than ever about my work and our business. Nothing changes here. I have a full roster of incredible clients, I have a thriving network of Radiant Leaders, our retreats will continue to provide a special sanctuary for those that want to go deep and we have a handful of business clients that we are committed to building beautiful, vibrant cultures with.
I just choose to believe that our business gets to have greater impact, the more I listen to my soul’s desires.
I choose to believe that the only way I can positively impact the way we work, lead and live is to fully live out my own version of success and to give permission to you all to do the same.
Let’s just be clear…I am shitting myself! I have fear and uncertainty flooding my body. And I have grief…for the beautiful life that I am letting go of. Not seeing Katy every day…what the fuck am I thinking? Not being surrounded by the people that I love and the supportive community I have built for myself. Am I mad?!
But this is the only way. Listen to the niggle. Make space for the voice to grow louder. Act before my fear talks me out of it. And then trust that everything will all work out.
Laura xx