Case Study: Platinum Recruitment In House Coaching and Consultancy



We were engaged by Platinum Recruitment, an established recruiter in Manchester to build a coaching programme focused on developing their emerging leaders and strengthening the pipeline of talent in a sustainable way.


We developed the scope of the work to incorporate 3 components:

  • 1:1 coaching and mentoring with a key talent pool 

  • Consultative sessions with the senior leadership team to share emerging themes, insights and recommendations

  • Group coaching sessions with the group to encourage peer learning


This is a fast growing business and the Senior Leadership wanted external support to help unlock the unique and individual potential of their key talent to ensure high performance was sustainable as the business grows and scales. They were particularly keen to work with us because of our experience in fast paced, high intensity environments, and in a traditionally alpha personality dominated industry, to provide a ‘different voice’. We focused specifically on:

  • Strength identification: connecting individuals to their unique strengths and understanding where they need to be focussing their attention for maximum impact

  • Diary management: clarity of key priorities, boundaries to protect time, delegation and building a winning week which is much more focused and intentional

  • Resilience: building self confidence to ensure that in the face of adversity, individuals are able to process emotions and come back stronger

  • Energy management: how to build effective rest into their weeks and create ways of working that are sustainable over the course of a year to ensure consistent achievement of targets


  • Supported over 70% of the workforce to date, taking them through a programmatic coaching programme

  • Personal and professional development objectives identified and tracking aligned to quarterly and annual targets

  • Increased motivation and focus from individual support

  • Quarterly leadership sessions; providing common theme feedback, strategic focus areas, advice / recommendations that underpin business goals and transformation in business operations.

  • Improved team morale and cohesive teamwork through group sessions and peer learning

For more details of our in-house coaching work and if you would like a conversation of how coaching could support the humans in your business email

Rosie Casson