Posts tagged Katy
Laura Davies

“Where to even begin! In my coaching sessions with Katy, she has taught me SO many invaluable things… manage my life and schedule in a more organised fashion so I feel less overwhelmed. To say ‘No’ and to think about what I actually want. To challenge myself. To find what brings me joy - and when I didn’t know what those things were, she taught me how to find them. 
She has listened and encouraged and supported me while I have looked deep into my soul and pulled out some really uncomfortable things (that were causing me pain) and she’s helped me learn how to face them, and to resolve them. 

And most of all, Katy really sees the good in me, and in everyone, and who doesn’t need someone to shine a light on their qualities when in our busy lives we don’t necessarily remember what they are? I feel clearer on my direction, what’s important to me, where to take my business, what kind of parent I want to be, and how I think of and talk about myself. 

Life coaching with Katy has changed my life for the better, and I’d highly recommend this magical lady to anyone.”

- Laura Davies

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Rosie CassonKaty
Deborah Baker Barnett

“Working with Katy has literally changed my life. By some kind of wonderful magic, she has enabled me to look differently at things that I had thought were unchangeable. I've taken on challenges I did not think were possible.

I'm braver, more confident and clear on my values and priorities. I've had some big conversations as a result and they have gone better than I could have imagined, largely because my work with Katy has crystallised what's important to me and why.

It’s as if I can see everything so much more clearly and I'm so much more authentically 'me'. It wouldn't have occurred to me to believe in myself to this degree without Katy's incredible insight and encouragement. I cannot praise her highly enough!”

- Deborah Baker Barnett

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Rosie CassonKaty
Zoe Belton

“Katy works with a level of authenticity, enthusiasm and clarity that is so deeply rare in a person. They are the traits that everyone wants on their “Team“. She enables you through consistent support and understanding to completely step into your power and see the possibilities that to this point may have eluded you. She fully embodies this practice. It’s not a job, she does it by using her whole hearted self. She will guide you so gently, with profound emotional intelligence and a very clear direction you will have previously both agreed. I’ve done plenty of therapy and nobody has asked me these questions before or got me thinking about life in this way. You will step back at points on the journey and wonder how it was so easy to make great changes. That’s the magic of Katy. My personal experiences of working both on a one to one coaching basis with Katy and attending the programmes and events The Vibrancy Hub creates, always keeps me coming back for more.”

- Zoe Belton

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Rosie CassonKaty
Aimee Skillen

“These sessions have literally changed my life. I am so much calmer, dealing with things so much better, my anxiety has reduced and life feels much more manageable. And I feel happier! You are my guru. I don’t know what I'd do without you”.

- Aimee Skillen

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Rosie CassonKaty
Vic Heap

“Coaching with Katy has been transformational for me - I wholly recommend investing in yourself in this way! I now seem to have more time and feel far less overwhelmed. I have a much clearer idea of how I honestly want to be spending my time - I have even developed the ability to say NO to things now! These changes have impacted my day to day life in the most positive way imaginable - thank you so much”.

- Vic Heap

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Rosie CassonKaty