5 key benefits of nourishing your wellbeing through simple breath work meditation...


Prioritise your health and feel better in yourself.

  1. Do you feel like your mind is full, pinging from one thing to the next? At this time on planet earth we humans really struggle to stay in the present moment, meaning we become distracted which can lead to a lack of focus and procrastination. This feels unproductive, tiring and bloody frustrating! Research shows that focusing on the breath is one of the quickest and most effective ways to literally train the brain to stay in the present moment; meaning the more we practice, the less likely we are to get tugged off course in the first place.

  2. We have all experienced varying degrees of feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed and worried at different times in our lives - probably none more so than in 2020! Focusing on and slowing down the breath through a guided meditation is the quickest way to calm your entire nervous system (NS) which directly impacts how we think, learn and behave. Breathwork enables us to feel more centred and balanced in a matter of minutes and cultivates the ability to enter our day with a calmer ‘respond rather than react’ frame of mind.

  3. Prioritising your wellbeing is the only way to feel better in yourself! Short term distractions offer short term pleasure - not a sustainable shift to how you feel. It's an undeniable equation, whatever you want to feel more of - calmer, balanced, energised, creative, joyful - it is non-negotiable that you start to treat rest and self care with as much respect as anything else that goes into your diary. This is a big habit to change as society has kindly taught us the exact opposite, glorifying ‘busy-ness’ as the only route to ‘success’ (and that there is only one very narrow type of success!) The truth being that until we start to prioritise our wellbeing, we risk not only burn-out but also missing the journey of life on the way there. It takes discipline to create this new belief that rest is wholly productive - but you will never ever regret it.

  4. If you want to be a motivated, focused, inspired, productive legend in the workplace (or in any part of life!) prioritising your wellbeing through activities such as breathwork and guided meditation are the quickest route to achieving this goal. We tend to believe these activities will ‘slow us down’ and take away our ‘edge’ (again, thank you for that message society!) The truth is that breathwork meditation helps us to think with more clarity; our decision making improves so that we can choose to get the right stuff done - and better.

  5. Creating time to invest in your wellbeing through breathwork will lead to greater self awareness - which is the key to pretty much everything! It means you will be able to cultivate better relationships aswell as enjoy greater clarity on who you are as an individual and what type of life you want to be living. Oh yes please! This of course leads to feeling more comfortable in your own skin, more determined to ‘stay in your own lane’ rather than conforming and following the crowd, and greater self belief and confidence to use your voice. Sold? Oh and over time it can reduce comparison tendencies and feelings of fear, imposter syndrome or not being ‘good enough’. 

All by prioritising my wellbeing and regularly practicing a breath work meditation? Yep. That's the badger.

Rosie Casson