5 things I’m learning from digital detoxing
In the last few months, I’ve started to experiment with digital detoxing. Admittedly, Laura & Katy have better detachment with technology than I do, and although there is a genuine need for connectivity in my life, I noticed the mindless scrolling was getting a little out of control 😵💫. I decided to try digital detoxing as a way to reset and restore balance to the way I use my phone and social media.
My first detox was one week, whilst we were on our honeymoon. I have to say, this was a fairly easy decision to make. If you can’t get off socials in the Maldives, where can you?!! I felt very lucky to be even going to this once in a lifetime place, so I wanted to maximise the time we had together, maximise the experience, and not be wasting time looking at random shit. It was a success. So I decided to try it again recently whilst we were on a planning trip in Mallorca. Although shorter, at 4 days, it was a second success!
Here’s some of the things I’ve learned so far…
Planning is important
This was particularly relevant for my first detox. I spent some time before we left for holidays planning what I wanted to achieve and what I wanted it to look like. I dedicated a session with my coach to exploring this. I decided on my boundaries - I wanted to use my phone intentionally. Whatsapp to send & receive updates from the kids, listen to podcasts & music, taking photos. I didn’t want social media, wider whatsapp convos and news outlets.
In the week before we left, I wrote a list of podcasts and music I wanted to listen to. I made sure I had books with me I wanted to read. I let friends know I would be ‘off’ for the week.
In the airport before we boarded our flight, I took some action and deleted social media apps from my phone, and also archived any large, high traffic group whatsapps (if you just mute them, they still appear in your chat list and I didn’t want to be tempted to read them). I really feel like I set myself up for success with this.
Accountability worked for me
As well as my coach, I vocalised my intentions with my husband to give myself some accountability whilst we were away. I did this with Katy and Laura in Mallorca too. This worked for me to detract from temptation! It was also the support I needed to succeed.
You have a lot more time to do stuff!
I couldn’t believe the extra time I had during the day. I read three books during detox #1 and one during detox #2 which was only four days and a work trip. I spent A LOT of time looking at the ocean in both instances, and that brought me real joy and contentment. As a person, and now even more so as a mum, I’m time poor so I like to be efficient. Scrolling on my phone is my life’s biggest inefficiency and it was a massive eye opener to realise that.
The “Contentment Buzz”
I cannot separate the holiday vibes and absence of children waking me up in the middle of the night from the actual digital detox here but I definitely found that these trips have helped my stress levels subside. I found the comparison that social media inevitably induces floating away. There’s a lightness that comes with not comparing yourself to others; I really felt that over the course of a week. Comparison was replaced by a level of contentment I’ve not felt in a while. Sleep quality was the best I can remember. I came back feeling refreshed and full of energy. The contentment felt like a buzz! I think I can be more tactical with this at key times, like Christmas for example.
Old habits die hard (spoiler, not quite there with this one!)
Leveller - as soon as I returned from digital detox #1 I binged HARD on social media. I allowed myself to, being honest. It did reignite some old scrolling habits. I’m definitely not ‘fixed’ in terms of having that ongoing balance, but having done detox #2 I’ve made a few subtle changes to the way I operate. I now charge my phone away from my bedside so I can’t scroll first thing in the morning. I leave my phone in a different room when the kids get home. And I’ll say I’m a work in progress, and bring on digital detox #3!
Looking ahead…
Even though I’m proud of what I’ve achieved, to be frank the plush locations I’ve experimented in so far render me at least a slight cheater and at most a total w**ker. So let’s bring this back to ‘real life’ a bit.
It doesn’t surprise me that the sea view running theme was a contributing factor to success - there’s not much I love more than staring out into ocean. I’m very happy whether this is Blackpool or somewhere more exotic. So moving forwards, I want to use every opportunity I get to ‘see the sea’ as a chance to remind myself of presence, and what role digital detoxing can play in this. UK sea views included!
On a day to day basis, I want to build on the separation tactics I’ve started to get more consistent balance, reduce overall screen time and give more focus to how I consume social media.
Here’s to more maximising of sea views in 2023 🌊 😍
Kenny xx
Kenny is passionate about bringing ideas like this into businesses to optimise the productivity of people and maximising their mental health. You can find out more about how we work with organisations via the button below.