5 top tips to take effective rest in the workplace.

We know consciously that rest is essential to our performance. We would never expect an athlete to train intensively without recovery and restoration. So why in the business world are we so resistant to rest and why do we glorify busy-ness, hustle and pushing through?

Within all of our work with our business partners, one of the most potent topics is why we find it so hard to respect rest within the workplace. Within our programmes, we dive into a few really important questions concerning our mindset towards rest and the belief systems that underpin this...

  • Why is effective rest important and how does it support our performance?

  • How is our inability to prioritise rest impacting our ability to deliver on our goals and desires?

  • Why the heck do we resist rest and why do we associate being busy with success in the business world?

If you’d like to invite us into your workplace to talk more about this through our workshops and programmes, we would LOVE that! Email Laura at laura@thevibrancyhub.com for more information.

And in the interim, we’ll leave you with our 5 top tips for taking effective rest so you can recharge your depleted batteries and bring your best self to work.

  1. Take ALL of your annual leave and use this time to step fully away from your work - yes this means work calls / emails - to allow your brain the space to recharge.

  2. Create a hard boundary at the end of your work day. Avoid ‘work creep’ by closing the door on your office (if you’re WFH), have a shower, change your clothes and play a song to shift the energy out of work-mode.

  3. Prioritise your sleep by implementing a ‘power down hour’ before bed - put your phone away, step away from the tv and start to really wind your mind and nervous system down.

  4. Take mini breaks to reset yourself throughout your day. We recommend not working for periods over 90 minutes without taking a break.

  5. Make sure your breaks are as effective as possible by making them screen free. Consider what is mindful, nourishing and going to soothe your mind. Take some deep belly breaths, get outside or sit quietly with a cup of tea trying to stay in the moment without your mind running wild towards your to do list!

We hope these help you and your teams to feel less overwhelmed, more rested and more focused at work AND more present within all of your relationships.

Laura Bambercorp