Our top tips for journaling

Is journaling something you have tried and love or something that sounds totally weird to you?! It's definitely becoming a lot more popular and that makes us so happy because it has been a bit of a game changer of a tool for both of us!

I was introduced to it through ‘morning pages’ - one of Julia Cameron’s key tools for unlocking creativity in her wonderful book The Artist's Way.

What is journalling?

It is simply freehand writing, trying to allow whatever comes through without judging it. If you ever read it back, I guarantee you will look back and marvel ‘where on earth did that come from?!’

In short, when you journal you are expending your mind of thoughts, worries, ideas; it's such a brilliant way of processing all the ‘stuff’ that clutters up your head space and can feel quite distracting and overwhelming. 

I swear by it - if I am feeling confused, frustrated, sad, emotional, inspired - nothing enables me to gain clarity and understanding like this practice. Even a regular expression of random, seemingly unimportant feelings, thoughts, ideas - getting it down on paper then seems to allow me far more headspace clearer thinking - I honestly cannot imagine life without it!

Here are some top tips for journalling:

  • Give it a go! You might want to take pen to paper once a week or every day - it's up to you.

  • Remove any expectation or pressure. You are probably not going to write a glorious poem (you might!), this is about releasing what is within you - not for anybody to ever read or critique!

  • Around 3 pages or 20 mins tends to be the recommendation - because it can a while to get the juices flowing and to drop beyond the cerebral into a more subconscious stream of thought  

  • Make this a yummy self care practice! Find a cosy corner and light a candle or let yourself be inspired with a beautiful view 

  • As with all self care practices, this is not a luxury, indulgent or frivolous! It helps enormously with focus, patience, creativity…the list goes on. 

  • Your journal should be a private tool for your eyes only, a safe space to express your inner self. Explain to any prying eyes that if you want to share what comes up for you, you will!

Of all the talking we do about ‘connecting’ to yourself, to your inner needs, dreams, desires, truest self - this can be one of the most effective tools to support you.  

To get you started, we have pulled together these journal prompts to try:

  • How are you feeling in yourself, what is your heart trying to tell you?

  • How do you want to feel? Why is this important to you?

  • In your dreams, how would your life be different if you believed anything were possible?

  • What do you feel excited about bringing to life now, what projects get your heart beating faster?

  • At the end of my life, when it's all over, I want to be able to say…

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Rosie Casson