How to be more yourself - whatever that looks like to you.

At the core of everything that Laura and I teach, share, support and coach is the encouragement and guidance to help people to be more of themselves. To gradually let go of the beliefs and habits we have formed around who we ‘should’ be or how we ‘should’ be living our life. A guidance towards realising that ultimately, being more of yourself can only ever be a good thing, that it makes you interesting and unique, it brings the right people for you into your life and that honing your true character is the key to feeling comfortable in your own skin and a pride in the person that you are. 

However I have noticed recently that our TVH community who follow along with the adventures Laura and I go on then place expectation on themselves to want to do the same activities we choose to do. Laura and I (in our different ways) are high energy, free spirited nature lovers. This means that over the years we have figured out that being in and amongst nature makes us happiest and we choose to spend our free time hiking, paddle boarding, cycling, swimming. We are different - Laura will be up and out and would choose a more action packed day. I like to take my time and any high energy adventures would ideally be countered by lying by a lake reading a book in the sun for a few hours. We choose to prioritise these types of activities because it makes us feel alive, joyful, connected - essentially it is the nectar of life for us.

However that doesn’t mean that this is right for you! When we encourage people to deeply get to know themselves and BE more of themselves, this could look very different for each individual. We would always encourage spending time in the healing powers of nature but this might be walking in the woods, sitting on a bench overlooking the sea, doing yoga in a field! Quieter, slower activities might be right for you and that is marvellous. The things that make you feel more YOU might be writing, singing, dancing, gardening, cooking, live music, fishing or painting. Whatever it is there is no wrong answer - the right answer is working out what is true for you - and doing as much of it as possible, whole heartedly and without guilt. This is how you fill your cup, recharge your battery and inspire yourself - so that life feels as good as possible - and so that you show up and give out beautiful energy to those around you.

Rosie Casson