Ditch the Dogma - the concept of clean eating


This article is from one of my favourite nutrition bloggers, Chris Sandel. The piece covers so many important points that I'm sure so many people resonate with. Having battled with a poor relationship food for a lot of my life...it is something I have worked so hard on to change! Clean eating being thrust in our faces so much so that we beat ourselves up and feel guilty if we fall off the clean eating band wagon. It becomes a total battle with our minds. Chris calls out the downsides of clean eating in his article.

Why do so many of us "fail" at dieting?

The piece summarises why we find it so hard to achieve the "goals" we set around weight loss. Using deprivation and willpower to control our food is never going to work in our favour in the long run. We need to work our bums off to change old habits. Understand how our thoughts are related to our actions around food and start listening to our bodies.

This is not easy folks! We are bombarded with the dogma in the media around "clean eating" and "good v bad foods". It will take time and commitment to create new habits but you can get there! And it feels sooooooo good to be free from a sentence of faddy diets and reprimanding yourself for eating the foods you love!
