How to get the most out of your Summer and feel refreshed, energised and ready for the rest of the year.
Summer is a time that can land on us with hurtling force and if we haven’t spent some time getting really intentional about how we want to feel and what is important to us, we can hit September feeling really unfulfilled and so depleted that we are desperate for another holiday!
This is not the idea of summer!
So, if you haven’t already done so, carve out some time one evening this week to consider your intention this summer and change the script.
This intention setting has had some super positive impacts on our clients so let us know what comes up for you and any ‘aha’ moments you have.
How really enjoying your summer can increase your productivity in the long term.
We are not machines and our outputs will not remain the same over the course of a year. If we try to operate in high intensity all year round, this is when we burn the heck out! Over summer, it is ok to not be your most intense work self. Look at the summer period as a long term investment in yourself so you can deliver more valuable work over a longer period of time.
We need rest so we can recharge for our next burst of intense work. We need joy so we can re-inspire ourselves and come back feeling more motivated. We need disconnection from work so we have the headspace to come back with bolder, more innovative and creative ideas.
So this is permission to set your intention for the summer months that focuses less on short-term productivity and high intensity work and more on energising yourself and recharging your batteries so you can add more valuable over the long term.
Carve out time to consider these four questions:
👉🏻 How do you want to feel by the time September rolls around? E.g. Calm? Restored? Energised? Connected? Playful?
👉🏻How do you want to spend your time and energy - with who? Doing what?
👉🏻What needs to happen for this to become a reality? E.g. Asking for help? Workplace conversations to manage expectations? Setting boundaries for your working hours?
👉🏻What do you need to let go of to ensure that this beautiful, intention is realised? E.g. External expectations? Internal narratives about what summer should look like? A piece of work that can wait? Social events that do not align with your intention?
Notice how differently you feel in September if you go through this process of becoming really intentional with your time and energy. I promise, you’ll never go back!