Lessons from the Universe and learning to trust them.

“AFGO” - another fucking growth opportunity.

I heard this term on Glennon Doyle podcast and it resonated in my bones.

Those lessons that keep slapping you in the face. The buggers that keep showing up over and over again…because you have still not learnt the lesson that the Universe wants you to learn! 

Mine? To trust that everything works out in my favour…

Even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. When something does not go my way, I still find myself trying to force / control the situation and getting really frustrated. I am sooooo uncomfortable in the discomfort of not being able to see a solution and I tend to attack the situation with a fear-based mindset.

An example - last month we were in a right pickle with venues for some of our events. We had some beautiful retreats and leadership immersion days booked in but with nowhere to host them. I went into machine mode - calling all venues we knew / trying to control the situation - and nothing was working. I felt like throwing all of my toys out of the pram and having the world’s biggest toddler tantrum.

And now…we have found a venue partner that is EVERYTHING we could have dreamed of and we have sold out our July retreat…we have 15 beautiful souls who are so attracted to everything we are offering. 

But it took for me to let go of how I thought it all had to look! And trust.

So what have I learnt?

  • To acknowledge that things will not always work out for me first time - instead of looking at this as a negative, starting to accept that there could be something bigger at play trying to close one door so another door can open.

  • To resist the urge to control and force an outcome - when shit happens, sometimes it is helpful to sit in the discomfort instead of diving immediately into doing or control mode.

  • To know that it is in this space, the magic can really happen - by zooming out, I am able to see so much more that is available to me and I am opening myself up to possibilities beyond those that already exist in my head.

I wonder if this is the time that I learn this lesson good and proper?!!

What is that one lesson that the Universe keeps presenting you because you have still not learnt?

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