Workplace Wellbeing and our role as coaches... DEBUNKED!

It feels like the industry around wellbeing in the workplace has been peppering corporate agendas relentlessly for the last couple of years. As a leader of the business, you know that you should be investing in building and reinforcing the wellbeing of your colleagues but are you clear on what you are trying to achieve and how we could support you? 

We partner with many businesses to ensure that their wellbeing strategy works hard for them and has the biggest impact on ALL of their colleagues. Let us help you to clarify what we ARE and what we ARE NOT so you can debunk how a wellbeing partner can support your business’s objectives.

We are NOT a mental health clinic.

Our role is not to diagnose and treat people with specific mental health issues. In order to benefit in coaching and wellbeing workshops, you do not have to be suffering with your mental health. We are not doctors, counsellors, therapists OR healthcare providers in any sense. Sure, we can support staff with specific challenges by flagging concerns and pointing people in the right direction for the necessary help, but this is not our role or primary objective.

We ARE a pro-active training and development provider.

👉🏻 We are here to unlock the potential of your people. 

The most successful people on this planet are those who are willing to self reflect, self enquire and self develop. We will probe your colleagues to consider how they think and operate - so they can overcome self limiting beliefs and develop into the very best version of themselves.

👉🏻We will move all colleagues up the mental health scale so they feel better. 

We all have mental health that needs to be considered - just like we all have physical health! We proactively tend to our physical health - go to the gym, do yoga, eat well etc to look after ourselves physically- and our mental health SHOULD work the same! We provide colleagues with the tools they need to proactively shift their mental health positively along the scale. Colleagues that feel their best are more motivated and can do their best work.

👉🏻 We will support colleagues to find more connection and joy. 

Strong mental health impacts everything - our ability to build and nurture meaningful relationships, to build a stronger sense of self and  to find joy every day. This is proven to increase our ability to engage more meaningfully in the work we do, to achieve our career goals and to make a positive impact on our businesses. 

And therefore we believe that EVERYONE will benefit from the work we do. From the senior leaders to the entry level trainees and graduates.‘I feel fine’ is not good enough for us! We are here to take your people and your organisation from good to great! From surviving to thriving! 

We would love to debunk all of your workplace wellbeing myths and answer any of your questions about creating and reinforcing a vibrant culture within your organisation so please reach out as we would love to chat!

Laura Bambercorp