Why we over-function and how we can change the way we operate

Let’s talk about over-functioning.

Over-functioning can look like:

  • Taking on other people’s emotions

  • Saying ‘yes’ even when you have no capacity

  • Feeling the responsibility to ‘fix’ other people’s problems

  • Giving unsolicited advice

  • Filling empty space with more tasks and a deep discomfort for resting

As a recovering over-functioner I am highly attuned to these behaviours and so many of the conscientious, ambitious, high achieving women that I work with can exhibit these behaviours.

Sadly, our society and its obsession with productivity above all else can positively affirm these behaviours and package over-functioning up as ‘hard work’, ‘being a team player’, ‘going above and beyond’.

BUT over-functioning behaviour comes from a deeply wounded place. 

That place of not feeling good enough. Of giving so much of yourself to earn praise and respect. Of needing to prove our worth to others. Of seeking external validation.

And the sacrifice is monumental:

  • Exhaustion / burn out

  • Sacrificing your goals and objectives in the pursuit of tending to the needs of others

  • Falling short of your potential and impact

  • Deep lack of fulfilment

  • Anxiety and an inability to switch off

I am here on the side of the over-functioner. Standing right by your side. And gently encouraging you that there is another way.

A more beautiful way to thrive in this world.


P.S if you need help with over-functioning, book a free no obligation discovery call today! Find out more and book your discovery call here.

Laura Bamber