3 simple ways you can commit to reconnecting to yourself and your body

How often is it that you really connect with yourself and your body?

The relationship we have to our bodies, as women, is complex and layered and damn well difficult.

We are deeply conditioned to want our bodies to look different. And this constant battle we face is exhausting.

This work - falling in love with my body, reconnecting to joy and claiming back my pleasure - has been a real journey for me. And is an ongoing work in progress.

But one thing I know for sure is that it starts with a decision. A choice / a commitment to take action every day towards loving your body.

I can help. I can guide. I can cheerlead and support. But it starts with you.

The “WHY”

The ‘WHY” that underpins all of our work at The Vibrancy Hub is to re-connect you to yourself. Your truth. Your essence. Your unique light and reason for being on this planet.

And reconnecting to your body is the gateway to reconnecting to yourself. 

So you can build greater trust in yourself and your decisions. 

So you can gain greater clarity on how you want to show up in the world and where you want to focus your time and energy. 

So you can listen to the wisdom that tells you when you need to rest and when you need to fire up and lean in. 

So you can hear your deep, beautiful burning desires for this one wild and precious life. 

It’s simple but it is not easy

These ideas sound simple but feel so damn difficult because they are counter intuitive to how we are recognised and rewarded in this society.

They are not ‘productive’. They are not moving towards an obvious goal. They are not the things that we will be revered and celebrated for.

But…if you are reading this blog you know we are here for something much greater than this. We are here to anchor into something much deeper. We are here to honour ourselves. And in this world that feels like a great feat. 

So take these ideas and give yourself the gift of honouring you today and tomorrow and each day forward.

Three simple ways you can commit to reconnecting with your body

  1. Spend time gently tickling / stroking yourself - maybe with moisturiser / essential oils in a morning as you are getting ready. Be slow and gentle with yourself and just notice how it feels to touch yourself lovingly.

  2. Spend some time this week looking in the mirror at yourself. Each time you look in the mirror, I want you to look yourself in the eye, smile and say 3 nice things to yourself.

  3. Take 15 minutes each morning with your tea / coffee just sitting in stillness (without multi-tasking) and look around for the beauty. It will help you to connect to your senses and notice, really notice, what you see, smell, taste, hear and feel.

Laura xx

We would love to know if you have your own tips or preferences when it comes to connecting with your body. Leave us a comment below - we are here for conversation, community and iterative learning.

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