How to create more time for fun
How can you create time for more FUN?
This is something I discuss with every single coaching client I work with. What is it that brings you joy at this chapter of life and how can you fit more of it in?
How can you realistically protect your precious time and personal energy tanks?
Well here is a top tip that worked for both me and Laura which we accidently discovered a few years ago - we started plotting into our diaries a day of ‘spontaneous fun!’
People always laugh at this and I know it sounds like a juxtaposition but I promise it works! If you are looking at the rest of the year and know that you have a LOT on that is going to take up your time, energy and head space; I would recommend circling one or two weekends to keep as uncluttered as possible. That way, when you get to it you can decide how you want to be spending your time depending on what you need or really feel like doing! Spontaneous fun day!
A quiet weekend might be exactly what you need or maybe you need a boost of energy and a day in the diary with a pal or your family for a day of fun might be just the ticket! You’ve protected the time and now you can do exactly what you want with it - winner!
If you find yourself saying ‘yes’ to lots of invites and plans, protecting time in this way can be a revelation. Taking back your time - for you. Practice doing this - when you notice yourself plotting away filling up your diary or accepting any invite that comes your way...pause and ask yourself if this is how you truly want to be spending your precious time, or is there something else or someone else that would light you up more?
Have you tried this? How do you protect your time and make sure your diary isn’t too cluttered - and is there enough of the stuff that you truly want to be doing? I would love to know!
If you would like help with building a life that feels more fulfilled, joyful and connected then click the button below to find out more about coaching with Katy.